What’s the difference?
When Gel batteries were introduced into the industry, they were roughly 4 times the cost of a lead acid battery. As higher volumes were produced for the Gel batteries, they rapidly reduced in price and increased in quality.
Today, a gel battery will cost roughly 30% more than that of a wet lead acid battery with none of the headaches, maintenance, or charging issues. As a result, gel batteries are now more commonly used in floor scrubbers and floor sweepers. However, gel batteries are beginning to be phased out and replaced with Lithium. You can learn about some of this exciting technology in our blog One Battery to Run Them All.
A common question asked is what are the main differences between these batteries so to help you out, below highlights the key advantages and disadvantages of Gel and Lead batteries.
Gel Batteries
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Flooded Lead Acid
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Products in the Proquip range that use Gel batteries are floor scrubber machines, floor sweepers, carpet cleaning machines and battery burnisher machines.
The Gel batteries in our Floor Scrubber range are being phased out and replaced with NX1K Lithium Phosphate. Learn more about this incredible new battery technology here
Still unsure? Call Proquip NZ on 0800 277 678 to discuss your commercial and industrial cleaning equipment requirements with our team.